All Smiles

  • Dates: 4/24/2025, 4/25/2025, 4/26/2025, 4/27/2025, 4/30/2025, 5/1/2025, 5/2/2025, 5/3/2025, 5/4/2025
  • Venue: Raleigh Little Theatre
  • Location: West Raleigh
  • Address: 301 Pogue St., Raleigh, NC 27607
  • Phone: 919.821.4579
  • Times: Wed. Thur. Fri. 10:00am & 11:15am; Sat.& Sun. 10am, 11:15am & 12:30pm
  • Admission: Adult: $10 Child (under 12): $5 Infant (under 1): Free A ticket is required for all patrons, regardless of age. Please reserve a free ticket for any children under the age of 1. Capacity is limited to 50 attendees per show.


Due to popular demand, All Smiles returns to RLT this spring!

How do you smile? With your mouth or with your eyes? Does it show on your face or just on the inside? We all have different ways of showing, sharing and processing our emotions. In RLT’s first Theatre for the Very Young (TVY) production, this delightful show explores how all smiles are unique.

Audiences are invited to arrive 30 minutes prior to each showtime (when the “house” opens) to participate in a free pre-show activity, coordinated by RLT’s education department.