Fo Daniels X Virginia Man with Emerson Bruno


Fo Daniels:

Fo Daniels combines the raw intensity of a rock and roll band with a singer-songwriter's attention to lyrical and emotional detail. With a general disregard for trends and genre restriction, Daniels and his band blaze their own trail, quickly growing their diverse catalog of records- which contains a wide variety of influences but is united by the common themes of originality, heart, and rebel spirit. Their tenacious touring schedule has left audiences deeply inspired up and down the East Coast, spreading the word about a sound which can be best described as "pretty and gritty".


Virginia Man:

Virginia Man is an emotional folk-and-roll band comprised of Kristian Lietzan (singer/songwriter), Stephen Amoruso (bass/vocals), and Jamaal Farrow (drummer). With poetic lyrics bellowing over the sounds of middle Appalachia, these gentlemen champion the sound of Virginia: a strange suspension between the cardinal directions, musical genres, and the changing of seasons.


With lots of new music arriving in 2023, the boys have been out on the road! The live show has become a favorite amongst members and audiences alike, like a sonic rollercoaster, akin to the plot of a great American classic, with gripping performances and storytelling, and celebratory beverages to follow. 


Emerson Bruno:

As a lyricist and melodic writer, Emerson Bruno evokes a sentimental and familiar quality that captivates listeners. Drawing inspiration from the music of the 60s, many elements of the Laurel Canyon recipe are captured and presented with a modern twist. Compelling lyrics of the universal human condition create a sense of understanding that is packed into unique arrangements.



All events are 21+ to attend unless otherwise stated on the event page. We allow under 21 to attend shows with a parent or legal guardian.