Material Messages: The Tales That Textiles Tell

  • Dates: March 21, 2024 - April 8, 2025
  • Recurrence: Recurring daily
  • Venue: Gregg Museum of Art & Design
  • Location: West Raleigh
  • Address: 1903 Hillsborough St., Raleigh, NC 27607
  • Phone: 919.515.3503
  • Times: Tues.-Sat. 10am-5pm
  • Admission: Free


Throughout history cloth has been a powerful tool of communication. In many non-western cultures around the world it has been created and used to document, celebrate, commemorate and depict events large and small. Material Messages showcases the unique vocabularies crafted by artisans through color, pattern, motif, and techniques like  weaving, dyeing, embroidery and appliqué, to deliver messages within and beyond their individual cultures. Many of the cloths, like a beloved book with folded corners and faded pages, show the marks of use that in themselves tell a story. Material Messages expresses how different cultures communicate both similar and distinct messages through their particular cloth making traditions and reveals the depth and breadth of the artistic visions of these multi-cultural makers.