RDU Observation Park
- Address: 2400 John Brantley Blvd., Morrisville, NC 27560
- Area: RDU/Brier Creek
- Phone: 919.840.2123
Popular with kids of all ages, RDU International Airport's Observation Park provides sweeping views of RDU’s 10,000-foot runway and is located near the Air Traffic Control Tower. Spend hours plane-watching and listening to pilot-tower communications via audio speakers on the elevated observation platform. Open from sunrise to sunset every day.
Popular with kids of all ages, RDU International Airport's Observation Park provides sweeping views of RDU’s 10,000-foot runway and is located near the Air Traffic Control Tower. Spend hours plane-watching and listening to pilot-tower communications via audio speakers on the elevated observation platform. Open from sunrise to sunset every day.