Destination Services

Success by the numbers

  • Serviced 533 events and sports groups
  • Assisted 8,320 visitors in the Visitor Information Center (VIC)
  • Fulfilled more than 3,800 visitor information requests
  • Delivered more than 42,000 visitors guides/maps through our delivery service, reaching more than 560 destination partners
  • Destination Services staff executed 10 attendance promotion activations, 24 planning visits and 38 facilitated pre- and post-conference meetings
  • Conducted post-event surveys and received valuable feedback and overall satisfaction from convention and sports event groups; received a slightly higher response rate than last fiscal year than anticipated based on the number of surveys requested; the value of feedback continues to help create even better destination experiences for the future
    • Total surveys sent: 178
    • Surveys received: 34
    • Response rate: 19.10%
    • Event ratings (on a scale of 1-5, 5 being the highest): 4.69

A proven successful approach to servicing

The Destination Services Department continued to utilize a proven strategy for group servicing, which entailed the assignment of multiple service managers to collaborate with designated group leads—this approach will be continued in fiscal year 2024-2025. This approach offers staff members more diverse experiences in working with groups and organizations of varying sizes, while ensuring event planners have access to multiple managers for more efficient and effective assistance.

Continued to dedicate a destination services manager to the handling of all sports groups based in the Raleigh Convention Center. This approach continues to ensure a dedicated focus on the specific needs and requirements of sports groups, enhancing the overall servicing experience to achieve greater consistency and to streamline the sports group servicing process.

Destination service highlights

  • Implemented additional measures to enhance safety and security procedures at the VIC, including the installation of new equipment
  • Coordinated with City of Raleigh’s parking management company to implement new parking procedures that accommodate the needs of staff, event groups and clients

Partner engagement

  • Hosted inaugural Service Provider and Venue Summit (Raleigh Union Station, April 9) to bring together local industry suppliers and venue professionals to discuss the state of the events industry and provide opportunities to collaborate and network.

Annual Report - Services ESPS

  • Hosted a reimagined See For Yourself Tour (virtual) highlighting the Airport Meeting District, one of five separate and distinct meeting districts across the destination. The goal was to equip and empower sales and frontline staff at area hotels, hospitality venues and attractions with tools and destination information to serve as destination advocates. This initiative aimed to ignite enthusiasm about the district's offerings for meeting attendees and to provide information and tools to help hospitality partners enhance guest experiences (ultimately increasing the likelihood of extended stays).
  • Hosted quarterly meetings with convention services managers (CSMs) from the downtown Raleigh Convention Center campus hotels and event managers (EMs) from the Raleigh Convention Center to discuss servicing protocols, planning and logistics for definite arrival groups.
  • Participated as a guest speaker to Moore Square Magnet School’s career day, educating middle schoolers about various careers in the hospitality and tourism industry and the importance of tourism. Also discussed the role of the Greater Raleigh CVB. Similar engagements were held at the Apex Senior Health Day and the Overlook Crabtree New Resident Orientation.
  • Hosted Event Service Professional Association (ESPA) webinar viewings for destination CSMs, EMs and our internal sales team to promote continued industry education and increase awareness of CVB offerings. Topics included trends shaping the hotel experience, the sustainability journey and artificial intelligence in the hospitality industry (this topic garnered the highest attendance out of any other webinar).
  • Conducted destination familiarization tours with convention service and event teams at area meeting hotels to build and strengthen relationships. These tours also provided an opportunity to discuss the support services and resources we offer to both partners and groups.
  • Participated in ESPA's National Celebrate Services Week, celebrating the role of the event service professional and advocating for the event services profession. Hosted a Celebrate Services Day “You’re a Star” event where local hospitality service professionals were invited to come together, network and give back to the local community by partnering with Designed For Joy, a local organization that empowers women in crisis.

Annual Report - Services Engagement

Destination services staff promotion and addition

  • Katie Clark, CGSP®, promoted to destination services manager
  • Austin Jayes, CGSP®, hired as destination services coordinator

Leadership positions

  • International Bluegrass Music Association's Local Organization Committee Volunteer and Community Activation Committees
  • ESPA board member (Tammy Jeffries, CGSP®, director of destination services)
  • ESPA committee members (leadership, planning, education and DEI)
  • Meeting Professionals International Carolinas Chapter Education Committee
  • NCAA Championship Local Organizing Committee
  • Downtown Raleigh Alliance Accessibility Taskforce

Certifications and trainings

Service Provider and Venue Summit photos, Garrett Poulos