Destination 2028
As the official destination marketing organization for Wake County, the Greater Raleigh Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB) is charged with increasing visitation to Raleigh and the 11 other municipalities here.
In 2017, the Greater Raleigh CVB commissioned a Destination Strategic Plan (DSP), to develop a platform through which destination partners can work together to strengthen the area’s destination product and increase overnight visitation over 10 years (to the year 2028).
The CVB engaged JLL’s Tourism and Destinations team to facilitate and lead this yearlong, countywide planning effort (2017-2018).
The resulting Destination Strategic Plan: 10-Year Tourism Plan for Wake County identifies actions that destination partners can take, in conjunction with the Greater Raleigh CVB, to impact overnight visitation along three visitor channels:
- meetings and conventions,
- sporting events and
- leisure visitation.
This plan, which is organized according to eight priorities, is meant to serve as a blueprint for the area's destination development, with Wake County government, the 12 municipalities, CVB and many destination partners having collective and individual roles.
Outlines the impact of the plan on the Interlocal Fund and on the work of the CVB View More
Plans for Raleigh and each town, survey results and more View More
Download the full Destination Strategic Plan, all in one PDF View More
The CVB’s blog about the business of tourism in Wake County and a resource for updates about the plan's implementation,... View More