Saint Matthew's School
- Address: 5410 Louisburg Rd., Raleigh, NC 27616
- Area: North Raleigh
- Phone: 919.872.7647
Of 20+ Rosenwald schools built in Wake County prior to 1932, only five, including this school, are visible today. Called a national treasure, these now-aging school buildings once served Black children throughout the segregated, rural South. St. Matthew's School, receiving a grant from Rosenwald circa 1921-1922, was of the two-teacher type: it is on the National Register of Historic Places and presently owned by St. Matthew Baptist Church. View from street; not open to the public.
Of 20+ Rosenwald schools built in Wake County prior to 1932, only five, including this school, are visible today. Called a national treasure, these now-aging school buildings once served Black children throughout the segregated, rural South. St. Matthew's School, receiving a grant from Rosenwald circa 1921-1922, was of the two-teacher type: it is on the National Register of Historic Places and presently owned by St. Matthew Baptist Church. View from street; not open to the public.
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