Dennis Edwards Nominated to the American Society of Association Executives Board and the ASAE Foundation Board
Wednesday, June 08, 2011, 8pm
Dennis Edwards Nominated to the American Society of Association Executives Board
and the ASAE Foundation Board
(RALEIGH, NC)-The American Society of Association Executives (ASAE) announced that
Dennis Edwards, President & CEO of the Greater Raleigh Convention & Visitors Bureau has been
nominated to serve on the ASAE Board of Directors as well as the ASAE Foundation Board.
Edwards will assume his role on both boards during the Annual Meeting in St. Louis on August 9,
2011. He will serve a three year term on both boards.
The American Society of Association Executives, based in Washington D.C., has a membership of
more than 22,000 association executives, representing 11,000 organizations across the U.S. and 50
countries worldwide.
"I am absolutely thrilled and honored to serve on both ASAE Boards and look forward to ensuring
that the ASAE continues to be the leading industry organization," said Dennis Edwards, President
& CEO of the Greater Raleigh Convention & Visitors Bureau.
Board members are chosen by the Leadership Committee, which develops a pool of candidates for
board service that best exemplifies the ASAE's membership profile and is representative of the
organization's diversity-including geography, size, gender, ethnicity, skill sets and areas of
experience. This year's committee is chaired by Immediate Past Chairman of the ASAE Velma R.
Hart, CAE, Executive Director of Giving Initiatives.
"Every attempt has been made to provide a balance of representation by selecting executives who
embody a variety of types of associations, differing locations, multiple aspects of diversity and strong
depths of experience in various activities of ASAE. We are grateful to the Leadership Committee for
this conscientious work," said ASAE Chairman of the Board Karen Hackett, FACHE, CAE, CEO
of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons in a letter sent to ASAE members announcing
the nominations.