Here's what people are saying about Raleigh following the 2011 NHL All-Star Weekend

Pierre McGuire, TSN: “It was a great collaborative effort between a lot of different people. Let’s start with the Carolina Hurricanes hockey family… Just spectacular people. And then we have to go to the people of Raleigh, North Carolina. This thing happened because of the spirit… The cooperation of the police, the civic authorities, the great convention center they have. I’ve been going to All-Star Games since 1990, this was the best All-Star Weekend I’ve ever attended. And a big reason why, not just the players on both teams, not just because of the NHL and their great ideas, because of the people of North Carolina, the city of Raleigh, and the great corporate communication they had all over. It was fantastic.” Video:

Ed Olczyk, Versus: “The Carolina Hurricanes and their great fans and this region should be very proud. A newer franchise, their first All-Star Game, but they ran it first-class just like an original six franchise. It was a great, great success and a great weekend, so congratulations to everybody involved. Talking to the players and hearing them talking about the experience here in Carolina, it’s been a wonderful weekend.”

Scott Burnside, “I thought Raleigh put on a terrific show this weekend. I was frankly shocked at what a buzz there was around the community.” “There were many good things about the event in Raleigh. Even for the most cynical media types,
it was hard not to feel a good deal of affection for the new innovation.

Adrian Dater, and Denver Post: “The game was great because of the genuinely friendly people here, and the first-class way the event has been presented by all involved. I know I sound like a member of the Raleigh chamber of commerce here, but it's true: Raleigh is officially a real hockey town now in my book.

Michael Farber, Sports Illustrated: “Venue will go down as biggest star of NHL’s All-Star weekend…The Triangle region of North Carolina faced the challenges of holding an All-Star game -- the diffuse nature of the area, the distance of the arena from the modest Raleigh downtown -- and stared them down with a smile. This wasn't Montreal 2009 -- it was some 60 or so degrees warmer, for one thing -- but it was the next best thing, a reminder that hockey can have universal appeal …. The success of the weekend and the host team are reminders to all sunny American markets that there is a blueprint for success.

Luke DeCock, Raleigh News & Observer: “From the signage blanketing downtown Raleigh and the rest of the Triangle, to the fans who packed the NHL Fan Fair, to the tailgaters enjoying the beautiful weather in the parking lots around the RBC Center on Sunday, the Hurricanes, the area and their fans met every challenge.

Matt Ehlers, Raleigh News & Observer: “Broadcasters, players and fans hadn't even left Wake County before they began piling praise on the community's hospitality, with kind words for everything from the Fan Fair in the Raleigh Convention Center to the atmosphere on downtown streets and the boisterous crowds inside and out of the arena. Hockey people couldn't keep their thumbs off Twitter, telling the world how much they enjoyed their North Carolina All-Star weekend.

Ottawa Citizen: “Raleigh will be a tough All-Star act to follow… What a party it was…. The bar has been raised high by the friendly folks in Raleigh.

Helene Elliott, Los Angeles Times: “Thanks, Raleigh and the Carolina Hurricanes. Great hospitality for the All-Star Game. Well done!” (Twitter)

Bruce Garrioch, Ottawa Sun: “People of Raleigh can take a bow. Great all star weekend, embraced the event and nice people.” (Twitter)

Dan Rosen, “Gotta give all kinds of credit to Raleigh and the fans here. The city has been rocking for 3 days and it's a blast outside RBC right now.” (Twitter)

Raleigh News & Observer editorial: “Months of eager anticipation, no doubt tinged with a little worry, plus loads of hard, behind-the-scenes work. That pretty well captures the run-up to the National Hockey League’s All-Star Weekend in Raleigh, which now is history – except for the accounting of benefits, tangible and intangible, from an event that by all appearances was a rip-roaring success…. But the larger benefits will accrue to a city and region that hosted a high-profile major-league whoop-de-doo and pulled it off to general satisfaction and delight. Those who handled the arrangements and imbued the weekend with a splendid sizzle are due hearty congratulations – and it doesn’t subtract from their accomplishments that Mother Nature was so cooperative.

John Collins, NHL’s Chief Operating Officer: ”By all measures, this was one of the NHL's most successful All-Star weekends ever with fans and our corporate partners embracing the event in a big way. Our hosts in Raleigh did a tremendous job and it was gratifying to see the entire community energized around hockey."