Open your calendar! We want to make sure you have saved the date for the 2022 Annual Meeting.

Thursday, August 18, 2022
A.J. Fletcher Opera Theater at Duke Energy Center for the Performing Arts
Networking and light breakfast: 9am

In addition to the presentation of industry awards and other updates, we are pleased to announce that the keynote speaker for this year’s meeting is Adam Sacks.

Adam SacksAdam is president of Tourism Economics, an Oxford Economics company, which provides analytics-based consulting to the tourism sector.

For more than two decades, Adam has worked with destinations, industry associations and companies around the world in the areas of opportunity and risk assessments, policy analysis and economic impact. He is an authority on measuring the economic impact of visitor activity and is also an engaging speaker with the rare ability to make numbers come alive.

As always, sponsorships will be available for the meeting. To sign up as a sponsor, please go to and choose your sponsorship level. All sponsorship reservations are due by Mon., June 6, 2022.

Again, please note the Aug. 18 date on your calendar. We will send information about purchasing tickets soon.