Tag - Talking Points

2022 Wake County Visitation Figures Released

Thursday, August 17, 2023, 12pm by visitRaleigh

A report released last week by GRCVB revealed that Wake County welcomed 17.8 million visitors in 2022, a 12.9% increase over 2021. These nearly 18 million visitors who traveled to Wake County spent a record-breaking $3 billion in the community, a 26.1% increase over 2021. After numbers declined in

The 2023-2024 Business Plan

Friday, April 21, 2023, 10am by visitRaleigh

A few weeks ago in the Tourism Talk blog, we featured some of the visitor profile statistics which appear in GRCVB's 2023-2024 Business Plan. Today we're ready to release the full plan (click here) to our hospitality business partners and stakeholders. GRCVB's destination marketing...
In the coming weeks, GRCVB will be releasing its 2023-2024 Business Plan, which includes invaluable information for hospitality business partners' and other stakeholder organizations' use in their own planning for the coming year. We encourage our area partners to reference the annual...

What Do the Little Letters Mean?

Friday, March 24, 2023, 10am by visitRaleigh

In this case, we're referring to the letters after the names of GRCVB staff on our business cards, in email signatures or in publications. Those letters refer to advanced credentials and training programs in the hospitality, events and tourism industries. That means these staff members have...
I’ve been working in the Raleigh sports market for many years (don’t ask) and have been involved with lots of major events, but I can’t recall an event that has generated as much anticipation and excitement as the 2023 Navy Federal Credit Union NHL Stadium Series...

Tourism U at RDU International Airport

Thursday, February 02, 2023, 10am by visitRaleigh

We published a blog post late in 2022 telling you that Tourism U, GRCVB's learning track for tourism and destination education, is back in session. Now we want you to know that the first classes of 2023 were held at RDU International Airport the last week of Jan. 2023. Thanks to RDU’s...

New Year Conversation with Dennis Edwards

Thursday, January 05, 2023, 12pm by visitRaleigh

The beginning of a new year is always a good time to check in with community leaders, to ask about their plans and dreams for the next 12 months, what's on their minds, what keeps them up at night, and in our case, what do all hospitality partners and stakeholders need to know about the big...
It’s been a great year for national and international media coverage of Raleigh and Wake County. We have been mentioned in some of the largest media outlets in the world throughout the year, and together this earned coverage accounts for hundreds of millions of impressions about our...