GRCVB stays busy throughout the year promoting restaurants, attractions, hotels and more to visitors and locals alike. But did you know that the most-consulted section of, other than the visitRaleigh insider blog, is Calendar of Events? As we approach the holiday season, visitor (and local) use of our calendar for holiday event planning bumps up significantly! So if you have events you'd like visitors to see, we can always use your help in curating them!

As a reminder, GRCVB can publicize events within Wake County only, but we are happy to promote events the size of the N.C. State Fair all the way down to your town’s recurring farmers’ market. Got a pop-up happening at your storefront soon? We’ll gladly accept it so long as your event is open to the public (either free or ticketed).

There are a few more guidelines regarding submitting events on

  • In's early years, events submitted needed to have enough draw to attract visitors from 50+ miles away. However, we recently have opened the calendar further, to include community-focused events as well, as long as a visitor also may find it appealing.
  • Events should not be a commercial, profit-making venture only. Events whose primary purpose is to sell the products or services of a particular business cannot post in the calendar; examples include product demonstrations (multi-level marketing) or some educational seminars. Consumer shows featuring multiple businesses, author talks/book signings and grand openings that have greater entertainment or perhaps celebrity appeal can be posted.

So how can you ensure your events are listed on our website? While GRCVB works hard to keep track of events at our various venues, museums, parks and other points of interest, the more our partners help us keep track of events, the merrier. Partners are welcome to search the website for their specific listing page, where any events that have been added by our team (or submitted by your team and approved for publication on our end) will appear.

If your events are not on our calendar, you can add them yourself through one of two methods:

  • Directly submit an event through our Submit an Event page.
    • This event submission page is perfect for pop-ups, seasonal or mobile events that don’t often have the same venue.
  • Utilize our Partner Information eXchange Login (PIXL, for short) portal to access your account for and submit events there.
    • If you do not currently have your business/organization listed on or do not believe you have PIXL access to your already-active listings, please email marketing manager Andrew Baker, TMP, FEP, and we can assist you.

Once your event is submitted, our team receives notification and must approve it on our end before it can go live on the official tourism website (this is for filtering purposes, one, to ensure we do not have duplicate events submitted and, two, to troubleshoot any submitted information).

Finally, we have a few words of advice regarding promotion of events:

  • Most partners will achieve the best return on their event submissions by posting at least a month in advance of the event date. Week-of submissions often don’t get enough traffic to warrant publication, nor can visitors outside the area easily plan to drive/fly to attend.
  • As with all images submitted to our events and listings pages on, landscape images are the preferred format (JPGs and PNGs are welcome).
  • The more information entered for your event, the better! Is your event multiple days, with varying hours? Are there discounted ticket prices for students, veterans or other demographics? Is it more accessible to people with disabilities in any specific ways? The more that's noted, the more helpful our calendar can be to prospective attendees!
  •'s calendar is a resource not just for visitors. The City of Raleigh and other allies also utilize our calendar in planning or share the calendar search results in their promotions around the area. 

As always, we at GRCVB appreciate any assistance our Wake County hospitality partners can give in the continuing work to highlight how great Raleigh and Wake County are to visit anytime of year. If you need help submitting events or wish to have your public-facing business and all its latest offerings listed on, please contact us.