Report from Dennis Edwards, October 2018
Monday, October 22, 2018, 6am by visitRaleigh

In last month’s Report from Dennis Edwards, we mentioned that, as we've moved into the implementation phase of the Destination Strategic Plan (DSP), we want to make sure we’re keeping our partners and other stakeholders “in the loop” about how Destination 2028 is progressing.
To that end, we are publishing CEO Dennis Edwards’s monthly report to the GRCVB Board of Directors. In it, you can hear what our board is hearing about developments with Destination 2028, as well as other accomplishments and goals designed to make tourism matter in Wake County.
Here are highlights from Denny’s report to the board last Tues., Oct. 16:
- Representatives from JLL and GRCVB have met with all but one of Wake County’s 12 municipalities regarding the DSP. The feedback and energy toward implementing the plan have been extremely positive. (The remaining municipality meeting is currently being scheduled with Garner leaders.)
- Discussions and plans are in the works to address scenario one in the optimization of the Raleigh Convention Center (see DSP Priority 1: Meetings and Conventions).
- GRCVB leadership has reviewed all eight priorities of the plan along with their action items. We have assigned each action item to a department, and reporting will be maintained on a monthly basis so we can track the progress of implementation.
- Dan Fenton from JLL and Dennis Edwards gave a presentation to the Raleigh City Council on Oct. 16 summarizing the plan, with emphasis on the optimization scenarios for Raleigh Convention Center and recommendations on next steps within the City government structure.
- It has become clear that we need to create at least two contracted staff roles to ensure that we are moving the plan forward. One is a research analyst and the other a director of destination development. A scope of services required for each contract is nearly complete and will be posted in the next 30 days.
- Dennis Edwards has been appointed to the Dorothea Dix Conservancy board of directors. The park is highlighted in the DSP, and we are grateful to have a seat at the table to help ensure that overnight visitation is considered when further developing the park.
- Also, we are also pleased that the City of Raleigh has reached an agreement with Triangle Racquet Sports on the construction of a 50-court tennis complex in the RDU/Brier Creek area, which will give Wake County the ability to attract more and larger tennis tournaments.
That’s some pretty good headway in a month, and it’s just beginning. Check back in future reports from Denny to be in the know.

Author: visitRaleigh
The Greater Raleigh Convention and Visitors Bureau (GRCVB) is the official and accredited destination marketing organization (DMO) for all of Wake County.